Awesomenauts Wiki

AffectArea[ | ]

An area that will apply chosen effects, i.e. heal, slow or damage targets when activated.

Field Description Possible values Type
startPosition No description yet Position ([ x ] [ y ])
endPosition No description yet Position ([ x ] [ y ])
automaticMovementDuration No description yet Number
positionInfluencedBy No description yet Text
activationInfluencedBy No description yet Text
size No description yet Size ([ width ] [ height ])
affectTeamZero When enabled will make the effect area only apply it’s effects to the red team Yes / No
affectTeamOne When enabled will make the effect area only apply it’s effects to the blue team Yes / No
affectTeamNone When enabled will make the effect area only apply it’s effects to the teamless creeps Yes / No
timeBetweenTicks Set the delay between each tick of the effect Number
healthPerTick Amount of health healed per tick Number
cleanseCharacter When enabled the effect area will remove any CC or DoT a character might have Yes / No
stunDurationPerTick Stun duration applied per tick Number
blindDurationPerTick Duration of the blind effect when applied Number
silenceDurationPerTick Duration of the silence effect when applied Number
slowFactor The speed multiplier of the slow effect. This has no effect if slowDurationPerTick isn't changed. Values greater than one will give speed but values between 0 and 1 will apply slow. Number
slowDurationPerTick Duration of the slow effect while applied Number
snareDurationPerTick Length of the snare effect when applied Number
speedupDuration Duration of the speed buff(Ask duration to Davey Number
damageBuffDuration The duration of the damage buff(Is 50% by default) Number
damageDebuffDuration The duration of the damage debuff(Is 50% by default) Number
solarPerTick Amount of solar given per tick given to character in the affect area


knockback The direction the knockback will be applied Position ([ x ] [ y ])
characterDirectionKnockback No description yet Number
isAdditiveKnockback When enabled will make a character maintain it's momentum while the knockback is applied Yes / No
disableJumpDuringKnockback will disable the ability to jump while a character is affected by the knockback of the effect area Yes / No
pullCharacterTowardsCentreDuration Duration of the pull effect Number
pullCharacterSpeed The speed of which the character will be pulled to the center Number
customUpgradeToGive No description yet Text
customUpgradeDuration Duration of selected custom upgrade whne applied Number
hasGlowGraphics No description yet Yes / No
glowTextureName No description yet Text
allowRecolourGlow No description yet Yes / No
glowGraphicOpacity No description yet Number
hasDefaultParticles When enabled the area will generate particles of the effects enabled on the AffectArea Yes / No
customParticleName No description yet Text
customParticleEmittanceMultiplier No description yet Number
playHealSound When enabled the effect area will make a healing sound effect Yes / No
isShopHealingArea No description yet (Ask Davey Yes / No
frozen No description yet Yes / No
hidden No description yet Yes / No

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